Spring has sprung and change is here at the Butterfly Hospice, with new blooms, shoots and blossom making their way into our gardens, along with our wildlife residents who thrive in the safety and calm we provide.

The ‘newness’ that Spring brings has also entered into the Hospice and in partnership with our clinical team, we have embarked on some wonderful new upgrades. Nearly nine years into our hospice opening, we felt it was time for a refresh and a bit of a change.
Keeping patients at the heart of what we do…
It was important to us to provide all of our guests with the same beautiful views from their bedrooms, so over the past few weeks, local tradesmen took on the relocation project of one of our rooms to the ‘sunnier side’ of the hospice. Along with this, all of our bedrooms have been given a fresh repaint and we are gradually modernising the furnishings and fittings – all to make our guests stay nicer and brighter.
As part of the room reallocation, we can now create a quiet, private meeting space for families. This has been a long-awaited ‘wish’, which can now be granted. The Butterfly Hospice is about dedicating time and space to everyone.

Our efforts will continue into early Summer...
Firstly, with the creation of a more sheltered entrance into the hospice and the re-siting of some outbuildings. This will open up the hospice view into our therapy gardens which, in their infancy, are now beginning to come to life with a spot of colour. Further to our ‘green’ commitment, we are also about to embark on harnessing solar energy, which will support us in our ambitions to reduce energy costs. The benefit is that we spend our valuable income on projects that will continue to make a difference for the people who need our service.
There is never a dull time at the Butterfly Hospice, irrespective of Season, there is always a lot to do, a lot to achieve…
“Spring: a reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”